Sunday, April 24, 2011

114/365 - Easter

I had a lovely Easter spent with my family.
Nothing crazy.
Easter egg hunt.
Decorating Easter eggs.
Lots and lots of Easter candy.

Everyone left but my parents (obviously, cuz it was at their house), Jasper and me by 6:30pm, so the rest of the evening was spent talking - just the 4 of us.
It was really nice.

This picture doesn't have anything to do with Easter, but I thought it was cute how Sallie snuggled up with my parent's dog.

Time: 7:30pm
Place: Parent's livingroom


  1. So cute! Gotta admit, I'm a sucker for good dogs.

  2. Thanks, GoodWill. These two are pretty damn cute together. :)

  3. Unbelievably sweet. This is one of the most beautiful things we've seen in awhile. :)
