Friday, February 4, 2011

35/365 - Why

As I was waiting for my shuttle after work tonight, I noticed this butter knife lying on the sidewalk.

When I got home from work, my skirt had worked its way sideways under my coat.
Ok, I'll admit. This post made a lot more sense and seemed a lot less lame in my head. Oh well. At least I got a pic up. At least I was thinking about taking pictures when these oddities occurred.


  1. Ah well I also sometimes ask myself these questions. I don't know why.

  2. Some may see a knife and say "Why?"
    Others see it and say, "Why Not>"
    As for myself, I see it and say, "Hmmm, time for breakfast."

  3. I've seen the butter knife on the ground, not that one , but still a butter knife. How will that person butter their bread now? Hopefully they have more, or maybe they are no condemned to using plastic knives only.

  4. France, I guess there are just some things in life we'll never know the answers to. Hehe.

    Advisor, Mmmm...breakfast...

    Marcus, oh no! Not plastic knives!! Say it isn't so!! :P
