Sunday, March 27, 2011

86/365 - Crated

We don't own a car. So when we need one, we use a car-sharing service.
One of the rules is that pets need to be crated in order to be in the car.
Sallie absolutely hates it.
She shakes.
She whines.
Maybe we're bad people, but it's so damn cute!

Time: 5:00pm
Place: Car between Here and There


  1. Which service do you use? I have card from zipCar that I've never used. and yes, it's very cute.

  2. The service we use is a local company in the area. This picture only barely begins to portray her cuteness.

  3. now a days it is not very often that you can

    get around without a car

    if you ever nned a ride give me a call

    and i will cum and get you :))))))

  4. Thanks, wayne, I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Hehe. :)
