Saturday, March 5, 2011

64/365 - Muddy

It was a relatively nice day today, so I thought it would be fun to go for a run outside instead of at the gym on the treadmill.

I took Sallie with me. I think she needs to get more exercise. Not because she's getting overweight (she's not), but because I think exercise is just a good idea. :)

But the pictures that follow show perhaps why I should probably run alone during the snow-melting stages of Spring.

Time: 4:45pm
Place: Outside

Time: 4:45pm
Place: Apartment Hallway

Time: 4:45
Place: Apartment Hallway
Since she was so muddy, I had Jasper meet us in the hallway with the camera. After snapping a few, we immediately placed her in the tub for a hose-down. I can't believe the amount of dirt and grit and mud washed off her.

Despite all that, we did have a decent run. She was having a ball, and I managed a 9:50 pace. :)


  1. I took my dog for a walk yesterday- she didn't get as muddy as yours, but she sure wasn't clean!

  2. It's amazing just how dirty the melting snow is.

  3. and just exactly how muddy were you???

  4. japie75, You'll have to run with me next time to find out. ;)

  5. Adorable shots! Sallie has personality to spare. The second one is our favorite - love that cute face. Good timing on your run too!

  6. Yes, Sallie definitely has a great personality. She's the best. :)

    I just love it when I break a 10:00min/mile pace.
