Monday, March 28, 2011

87/365 - Undressing

I was feeling particularly frisky at work today, so I shot this quick little video at my desk.

Time: 4:00pm
Place: Office Desk


  1. thank you thank you thank you. that was so HOT again. can't stop thinking what would happen if someone walked in on you...

  2. that was time turn around ;)

  3. wow. cool!! i sure hope you work in an office with a locking door!!

  4. japie75, Wow! Glad you liked it. Probably wouldn't have been good if someone had come by for a visit. ;)

    Bones, Now that might be a little more difficult to do inconspicuously while at my desk, but who knows...maybe next time...

    That Girl, Nope! I actually work in a cube...out in the open. Well, I'm kind of tucked away in a little corner.

  5. Damn, I computer blocked the video.... can you email it to me......please

  6. you are definitely getting the hang of this video blogging ;)

  7. Just knowing that women like you exist makes the world a better place. very nice

  8. H, Sorry about the blocking. :(

    Mitchelangelo, Thanks!

    Bluesky, I do what I can! :)

  9. I don't miss my days of working in an office, mainly because as far as I know this sort of thing never happened. If it did, I might still be a cube jockey. Very sexy.


  10. Jack, If you want a throwback to your cube jockey days, feel free to pop by for a visit. :-*

  11. Despite the fact that we're more than half a continent away, I am seriously tempted to take you up on that!
