Sunday, June 26, 2011

177/365 - Sleeping

I woke up this morning and started to do some Project 365 catch-up. I found this picture on the camera. Jasper must have snapped it when his two girls were sleeping last night. I must have been HOT! :) Jasper just told me that shortly before he snapped these pictures, we were sleeping pretty much in exactly the same position. Such little cuties, aren't we?!

Time: 1:49am
Place: Bedroom


  1. Ok, I'll admit it. I just did an "Ahhhh".
    Cute panties too :)

    sev xx

  2. Yes, both of you extremely cute. Would like to spoon up right behind you and drift off for a while.

  3. @Marcus, C'mon over. :) Obviously I like to snuggle.

  4. This picture is absolutely adorable! You look so comfy that Jack and I would love to snuggle up on either side of you. Also, we love Sallie! She's so cute.


  5. I do like to snuggle. C'mon over!

    Sallie is the cutest. :)

  6. You are seriously making us sad that we don't live five minutes away! We could use some quality snuggle time!

  7. Don't be sad. Fall is a beautiful time to visit. Just saying. *wink*
