Sunday, June 12, 2011

163/365 - Swinging

Today's adventure was a bike ride.
My total distance of the day was 41.7 miles. Whoo!
I did the first 10 miles all by myself and was the first to arrive at the lunch stop. I waited for roughly an hour or so for my friend to arrive, so we could finish the ride together.

While killing time, I spent some time swinging on the park equipment.

Time: 1:00pm
Place: Park


  1. Awesome bike ride! that's a long way to ride, glad you had a friend for most of it.

  2. @Marcus, Thanks. It was a lot of fun. Definitely better with a friend, though.

  3. Cool shot! We love going to the park. (Moreso now that we have a baby.) So is the shirt printed backwards, or was the photo reversed after you shot it?


  4. No, the shirt is not printed backwards, but when I take a picture on my phone with the forward-facing camera, I think it takes it as a mirror shot. At least that's the only explanation I can think of. :)

  5. I always heard you were a swinger!

