Monday, June 13, 2011

164/365 - Accident

The final adventure of my weekend was spent hiking in a couple state parks.

This picture was a complete accident. I was adjusting the position of my camera and mistakenly hit the button to snap the picture. I was just going to delete it, but I thought it actually turned out pretty neat.

Time: 1:00pm
Place: State Park


  1. Good to see you catching up, I was hoping you had nor fallen away.

  2. @David, Yep, I'm still here. Just had some computer issues.

  3. I think I take more accidental pictures with my touchscreen phone than I do deliberate ones. And I take lots of pictures deliberately with my phone. I can't tell you how many times I come across a picture and think, "What the hell? When did I take this?"


  4. Too funny, Jack! This was a pretty rare occasion for me. :-)
